Serving for more than thirty years, the WX5FWD SKYWARN™ team are volunteer radio operator liaisons for the Fort Worth National Weather Service (NWS) North Texas SKYWARN™ Spotters. During SKYWARN events, you are reporting information to our team and the NWS warning forecasters. Three goals of a storm spotter are to safely observe, identify and report conditions.

Weather spotters provide what's called "ground truth" to the National Weather Service and emergency weather management. Spotters are needed because, while radar is very good at helping the National Weather Service see what's going on in the upper atmosphere, it's unable to detect what's actually happening on the ground because of the curvature of the Earth. Knowing the "ground truth" about a weather event from the location can be the deciding factor to issue a warning.

Wyatt McCray Awarded Radio at Ham-Com


Wyatt McCray is awarded a Kenwood TH-K20 radio by Mike Heskett (WB5QLD) of the WX5FWD NWS Skywarn Radio Desk team after passing the amateur radio license exam at Ham-Com. Wyatt is one of younger new hams that passed the license exam this year.

Take action, prepare and spread the word!

Take action to increase emergency preparedness in your neighborhood. Join America’s PrepareAthon at and spread the word!

What are Wireless Emergency Alerts?


Learn more from our partners @NOAA and share with your friends!

Winging it is not an emergency plan

Make a disaster plan with your kids at #BeAForce of Nature! #TXSWAW

Be Prepared For Emergencies While Traveling

Making an emergency kit is easy – here’s a 30 second video showing key emergency supplies to keep in your vehicle:

It’s a great idea to keep a similar kit at home and at your office – has a full list!

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