The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
Updated: 25 weeks 1 day ago
International Marconi Day 2024
This year, International Marconi Day (IMD) is on April 27. Italian inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi was born on April 25, 1874, and is credited for inventing the radiotelegraph system, creating Marconi's law, and sending the first wireless transmission over the open sea.
IMD was created to honor Marconi and is hosted annually by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, GX...
FCC to Require Two Factor Authentication for CORES Users
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced an upcoming change to the Commission Registration System (CORES) that licensees use to pay any application or regulatory fees, manage or reset a password on an existing FRN, or request a new FRN. Beginning March 29, 2024, multifactor authentication will be implemented. Users will be prompted to request a six-digit secondary verification ...
Get Ready for the 2024 ARRL National Convention and Youth Rally
A full slate of programming has been committed for the 2024 ARRL National Convention, which will be hosted by Dayton Hamvention®, May 17 - 19, in Xenia, Ohio. Hamvention is the largest annual gathering of radio amateurs in the world. Coupled with the National Convention, this year promises to be a Hamvention not to miss. Building on a yearlong theme to "Be Radio Active," ARRL has planned exhibi...
The K7RA Solar Update
Over March 14-20, new sunspot groups emerged every day except March
19. March 18 had two, and each of the other days saw one new sunspot
It is now Spring in the Northern Hemisphere which is favorable to HF
conditions, and solar and geomagnetic numbers both show improvement.
Average daily sunspot numbers rose from 82.3 to 94.3, and average
daily solar flux jumped from 130.4 to 153.3.